SGT Aaron Barr served with 1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. He completed four tours of duty, one to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan.

from Houston, Texas
SGT Barr served with: D Company 3rd Platoon 1st Ranger Battalion
Born in 1983, Ranger Barr was 27 years old at the time of his death in 2010.
Complete biography is below the photo gallery
SGT Aaron Barr 's Biography
SGT Aaron Barr served with 1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. He completed four tours of duty, one to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan.
Preface by GallantFew Director, Karl Monger
There is a tradition in the Ranger Regiment to assign new soldiers an "Airborne Ranger in the Sky". These Airborne Rangers in the Sky are reminders of the Ranger Creed, the deadly serious nature of our business, and a way to ensure the legacy continues and those who went before are never forgotten.
The father of a Ranger who was killed in a hit and run accident after he left active duty reached out to me and asked that we honor his son's service. I immediately realized that while we rightly focus on remembering those who gave their lives in combat or in training are always remembered and recognized, that those who pass on later but are disconnected from the community are not always remembered.
This is the first of a series we intend to publish about Airborne Rangers in the Sky. - Ranger veteran Jay Erwin compiled this first ARITS piece. RLTW Karl
SGT Aaron Barr served with 1st Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment. He completed four tours of duty, one to Iraq and 3 to Afghanistan.
As a veteran, I take it upon myself to never forget my brothers who paid the ultimate sacrifice. As veterans it is our duty to honor our brothers and sisters that have stood in the face of evil.
There are veterans who have served honorably but were killed after they served. Not getting the respect owed to them for their honorable service.
Aaron Barr stood before our country and said, "send me," for I am willing to fight, his sacrifices should never be forgotten.
As we pay tribute to this young Ranger we remember those that have served before us. SGT Barr was a hero to his family, to his brothers, and to the United States, and especially to his dad. As Aaron's dad writes, "Aaron was very private about his deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, I know he was an E-5 Team Leader on his last deployment to Afghanistan." In 2006 Robert Barr moved to be closer to his son Aaron who was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia.
"I would know when he left, and he would write me and when able he would call. Then he would call me when he was home and that's when we really got to spend a lot of time together. We fished and hunted together whenever we could," Robert writes. He goes on, "His replacement, SGT Justin Allen was KIA soon after Aaron's discharge...Aaron had a really hard time dealing with Justin's passing."
Aaron was run off the road on his motorcycle in Macon, Georgia which ultimately cost him his life. We honor this soldier, this Ranger, this hero.
Robert would love to hear from Aaron's teammates and fellow Rangers to learn more about his son's service.
About Aaron's Death
Many of our Ranger Brothers were killed in combat, and some few in training accidents. When they return to CONUS from overseas combat deployment, one would think that they are then "safe at home" and can go on with their lives.
In Aaron's case, he returned home and went to work, and was enjoying life away from the dangers of a war zone, when he encountered an enemy of a different sort.
Here is how his father Robert describes that day in 2010:
(Aaron was killed) Five minutes after leaving my apartment, and on his way to buy a new motorcycle helmet. A hit and run driver, not wanting Aaron to pass him on a double lane entrance ramp to the freeway, left the left lane, side swiped Aaron on the right and forced him past the end of his lane. Aaron passed the 10 foot emergency parking lane and crashed into the end of a guard rail, killing him almost instantly.
Aaron was going to get a new helmet, to post a memorial to his buddy on the back, "Justin Allen". Aaron was truly missing a good friend, who died soon after Aaron left Afghanistan and the Army.
We are all the more outraged and saddened by this roadside murder by the fact that this hit-and-run driver just kept going, and has never come forward to accept (his or her) responsibility for the death of this outstanding young Ranger Veteran.
If any Rangers or friends have stories to share about SGT Aaron Barr please feel free to do so in the comments section below.
Help us allow his family to hold Aaron's prestigious legacy as a United States Army Airborne Ranger closer in their hearts.
His sacrifices should not and will not be forgotten. One for the Airborne Ranger in The Sky!
I joined the Army as an armor crewman shortly after high school. While I was off doing my thing A.B. Went to college. I used to tease him about his "hippy" hair and being a college boy! He once sent me a letter during OIF1 on the back of his physics notes that he claimed he needed to study for a test... But he thought I would want to see what he was doing in school (I couldn't understand any of it... Me being a dumb tanker and all). When I deployed CONUS to Ft Carson I was able to talk on the phone more often and A.B. told me he was thinking about joining the Army as an infantry man. I of course balked at this. I said "man don't do it... You have an engineering degree and a chance to kick ass at life." He said that he was certain that was his calling (and when Aaron started talking about callings I usually listened given our history in church growing up). My next response was "well... Ok but if you become an officer I'm gonna be pissed!" He just laughed and said "Hell no! I want to be a sergeant!" We laughed some more and that was that. Aaron told me later that he was going to be a ranger and I don't know if I've ever been more proud of him.
I miss my brother. And funny enough... Though years have passed I can still hear his laugh in my head. I have lost many people in my life and most have faded, but not A.B. I could go on and on about camping trips and concerts and any number of other little things about him that I keep with me... But most of those I have to be greedy and save for myself.
I have a friend who I ride with, who served with the 75th years and years ago. One day he asked me "you weren't a ranger... Why the hell are you wearing a crest from the 75th?" I told him about Aaron and that the crest came from one of his berets... His response after 20 minutes of listening was to raise his beer and give a loud and resounding "RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!"
Many thanks to Ranger Jay Erwin who wrote the original biography for the GallantFew blog -
PLEASE feel free to leave comments here, especially if you have memories of time spent with Ranger Barr and would like to share them.
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