from Lake Ronkonkoma, New York
LTG Grange served with: Director, Ranger Department, U.S. Army Infantry School and others including ARVN_Ranger_Unit
Born in 1925, Ranger Grange was 97 years old at the time of his death in 2022.
Complete biography is below the photo gallery
LTG David E Grange 's Biography
Starting as an enlisted man in WWII, and rising to the rank of LT General, he was the only general officer to be awarded honorary Sergeant Major of the Army. In 41 years of of service to the US Army, he loved his Rangers and was the main force behind the inception of the Best Ranger Competition. He was a legend among Ranger and will be forever remembered as a great leader of men.
During his military service, LTG David E Grange also served in 82d Airborne WWII, 187th Regimental Airborne Combat Team Korea, 2d Battalion/506th Infantry
We are his legacy.
Lt. Gen. David E. Grange, Jr. was a Veteran of 20 campaigns in three wars as an infantryman and served with distinction throughout in the U.S. Army. He enlisted in the Army in June of 1942, and served as a parachute infantryman in Europe, taking part in the Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe campaigns of World War II. General Grange was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry in 1950 and served in Korea with the 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment.
He served his first tour of duty in Vietnam in 1963 as an Airborne/Ranger/infantry Advisor to the Department of Defense's Research and Development Field Unit. In 1967 he commanded the 2nd Battalion (Airborne), 506th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. He returned to Vietnam for his third tour in 1970 where he commanded the 101st Support Command and the 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. He served as Director of the Ranger Department, and later commanded the 2nd Infantry Division, the U.S. Army Infantry Center, and the 6th U.S. Army.
For 97 years, this man gave every ounce of his life back to his family, his community, and his country. Through his dedicated service to others, he in turn designed a legacy for us to receive as individuals, as soldiers, and as an entire community. He is THE Standard. The legend of the game.
Even in our grief of never seeing him on this side of the Earth, his spirit will always be felt and forever revered. To our Airborne Ranger in the sky, rest now. You've lead the way.
"The Ranger mystique is at its best here at Fort Benning. 20 years from now, I'm not going to be around here, but you will be. And if you are in the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade, you better be turning out Rangers even a lot better than the ones that I saw turned out or the ones like you. I want you to be better! Always."
As quoted by LTG (R) David E. Grange, Jr.
Without his physical presence, he also prepared us all for his passing.
As the namesake of the Best Ranger Competition, he inspired and then created something tangible that is meaningful and powerful beyond measure to all involved. As a servant leader, he has taught us all through his example how to survive and thrive through all the different battles within this world and in our own lives with integrity and true grit. He taught us that it is not just what you offer, but how you pave a way for others to give their very best to themselves and to those that surround us. He didn't run around building his legacy, he "ran around" making a difference.
Lieutenant General David Grange has served the Nation with distinction since enlisting in 1943 as a parachute infantryman. He served in Europe, taking part in the Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe campaigns as a member of the 517th parachute Infantry Regiment. After World War ll, he served in the 82d Airborne Division and in 1949 he attended Officer Candidate School. General Grange's many post World War ll assignments include: Ranger Instructor; Advisor in the Republic of Vietnam (1st tour, 1953-54); Commander 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry (Vietnam, 2d tour, 1967-58); Commander, Division Support Command, 10lst Airbor:ne Division (Vietnam, 3rd tour, 1970-71); Commander, 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Vietnam, 3rd tour, 797O-7tl; Director, Ranger Department, U.S. Army Infantry School; Commanding General, 2d Infantry Division, Korea (1978-79); Commanding General, US Army Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Georgia (1979-81); and Commanding General, Sixth U.S. Army (1981-84).
General Grange retired in June 1984, after 41 years of Army service. General Grange's awards and decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Army Distinguished Service Medal, three Silver Stars, two Legions of Merit, the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Soldie/s Medal, the purple Heart and 38 other combat awards for valor and meritorious service. In addition to the Combat Infantryman Badge (Third Award), he also holds the Master Parachutist Badge with 3 combat jump stars, and the Ranger tab.
General Grange is an inaugural member of the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame and the U.S. Army Officer Candidate Hall of Fame. He was selected as 1984 Airborne Trooper of the year by the Airborne Association, and received the Infantry's "Doughboy Award" in 1994. The annual "LTG David E. Grange, Jr. Best Ranger Competition" was founded in his honor in 1984.
Since his retirement General Grange has had a profound influence on generations of senior leaders of the 28th Division as a senior mentor during numerous Warfighter exercises. His influence has led to success in training and the battlefield.