Our brother Bill Watson recently passed away, taken from us way too young by the ravages of brain cancer. Everyone that knew Bill remembers his sense of humor, his can do attitude, and his dogged determination to complete the Mission.

from Paterson, New Jersey
SGT Watson served with: A Company 2nd Ranger Battalion
Born in 1958, Ranger Watson was 59 years old at the time of his death in 2018.
Complete biography is below the photo gallery
SGT William (Wild Bill) John Watson 's Biography
Our brother Bill Watson recently passed away, taken from us way too young by the ravages of brain cancer. Everyone that knew Bill remembers his sense of humor, his can do attitude, and his dogged determination to complete the Mission.
Ranger Watson passed away October 23, 2018 with his loving family by his side in his home in Westcliffe Colorado.
The son of William and Lillian (Vanderwiele) Watson, he was born in Paterson NJ on NOV 13 1958.
A proud Veteran of the US Army, he served in the 2/75 from 1978-1982, as a rifleman and, after graduating from the US Army Sniper School, as a designated squad sniper.
Bill then became a Building and FDire Inspector in New York State, including serving in the fire watch towers that monitor the state and national forests. He was highly regarded as a team leader in this capacity.
After moving the family to Westcliffe CO Bill volunteered with Custer County Search and Rescue Team as a man tracker. Later he volunteered with Custer COunty Sheriff's Mounted Posse on the horse back patrol team.
He loved the Wet Mountains and spent many precious hours hiking, camping and riding his horses.
His sons Christian and Tyler were the primary care givers when Bill was diagnosed with brain cancer and spent his last months in his home at the base of a scenic ridge near Westcliffe.
We hope to add more biographical info and the memories of his fellow Rangers and friends as that material becomes available.
Please feel free to add your memories of Bill Watson in the comments area below.
Rangers Lead the Way !
Very proud to know them and very proud of our hard-charging Ranger Brother.
Thanks to everyone involved for making Bill's last days in his home and with his boys as merciful as possible.
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